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Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and/or Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the Wider Caribbean 2021 – 2030

The Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and/or Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the Wider Caribbean 2021 - 2030 (RSAP) is one of the tools developed by the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Sub-Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) to support conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems in the wider Caribbean. The RSAP is aligned with and contributes to implementation of global, regional and sub-regional instruments relating to marine habitats and supports their implementation.

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Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway

  • CERMES, University of the West Indies (Cavehill), St. Michael
  • (246) 417-4316

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