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Grenada National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2000)

The Government of Grenada has embarked upon the preparation of its Biological Diversity Strategy and Action Plan (GBSAP) in fulfillment of its obligation under the Convention on Biological Diversity and as part of the Government’s renewed commitment to sustainable management of the country’s natural resources. 

An assessment of key sectors, namely; Land Use and Environmental Planning; Agriculture /Forests/Wildlife; Fisheries, Marine and Coastal Areas; and Tourism as well as an identification of the gaps in effective management of natural resources, provided the basis for developing the Strategy and Action Plan. Effective national action depends on developing an institutional, policy and legal framework that supports effective planning and management of biodiversity. National decision-makers must be cognizant of the benefits gained from conservation and sustainable use of biological resources and the environmental, social and economic costs associated with the loss of these resources. 

The actions recommended in this Strategy and Action Plan are not a wish list of all the policies, legislation, plans and programmes that are needed for improvement in the various sectors of the country. A practical and easily measurable set of objectives with supporting activities for implementation over a 5-year period are proposed. Key objectives shortlisted are to: 

  • Provide broad-based support for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. 
  •  Protect key ecosystems from negative human induced impacts. 
  •  Develop and encourage sustainable utilisation of biological resources that are essential to the livelihood of local communities. 
  • Maintain, recover and promote genetic resources necessary for sustainable agriculture. 
  • Ensure a fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic and ecosystem resources. 
  • Provide information on key ecosystems for incorporation into national accounts and decisions on national development projects. 

    Several activities were identified in fulfillment of these objectives. Many of these activities were developed as priority project concepts and are recommended for implementation. These project concepts include: 

  • Building Awareness on Biological Diversity in Grenada 
  • Drafting a National Land Use Policy for Grenada l Strengthening Management of Key Ecosystems l Promoting Sustainable Use of Biological Resources 
  •  Capacity Building for Germplasm Conservation l Strengthening Biological Pest Control 
  •  Incorporating Ecosystem Valuation into National Accounting 
  • Strengthening Existing Legislation for Biodiversity Protection 

    Towards the end of the 5 year period, a review of the GBSAP should be undertaken and a new action plan for further activities should be developed to continue safeguarding Grenada’s biodiversity.


    Area of interest: Grenada

    Year: 2000 

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