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A framework for monitoring biodiversity in Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures

Protected Areas and Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) play a critical role in preserving biodiversity amidst mounting environmental pressures. There is a need for strategic, evidence-based management supported by accurate monitoring to balance ecological and cultural elements. This IUCN Technical Report Series guideline, launched on May 7th 2024, introduces a four-step framework for developing efficient biodiversity monitoring programs, covering preparatory, conceptual, implementation, and evaluation phases. It highlights the importance of periodic re-evaluation and provides insights into general considerations, available methods and technologies, and data analysis techniques. The framework aims to empower protected area managers, scientists, and stakeholders in their commitment to preserving Earth's biodiversity through consistent design, technical preparation, and innovative approaches, ultimately fostering a collective effort in managing natural wonders effectively.


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Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway

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  • (246) 417-4316

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